Fan Zone | Fan Fiction | Arlando | Call Her Molly

Chapter Three

JBL: Fatass!!!Fatass!!!Fatass!!!Fatass!!!FATASS!!!
The Molly: (Giving full sway to her incredible power) FATASS, huh? Like you're one to talk!!!
JBL: Hey, my ass isn't fat!!!
The Molly: Silence!!! I'll fix you, JBL!!! From this point on, you will be FORCED to eat a big, heaping plate...of ASS. Your OWN ASS!!! Choke on THAT, loser!!!

And much, much later, various catfish passerby can indeed verify that JBL did, in fact, choke on his own ass. However, his namecalling pushed the Nora Greenwald in The Mollyholly even more to the fore.

Meanwhile, back in Skokie, Ill.,...

Gail: Ohmygawd, you see this?

(Looking into a tele-monitor that just happens to be showing information both sensitive and classified to and for the Catfish cause, TBS responds)

TBS: That's their weakness! The McRib Sandwich, which is available for a LIMITED TIME ONLY at McDonalds!!! Their catfish physiologies can't handle the pickles, the soy extracts used in the 'pork' rib...hell, the McRib Sauce ITSELF is FATAL to them!!! We should have known!
Gail: Yeah, The McRib has killed plenty of HUMANS over the years! We should have known!!!
TBS: Gail, we've got to get that McRib Press that they use to make those things and mass produce enough McRibs to kill off the catfish!!!
Gail: But that still doesn't explain why they couldn't transform US into catfish..!

From the shadows, one of the previous unknown entities speaks.

Shadow #2: Gail, they coudn't transform YOU because you attract so little crowd response that you slipped under their radar completely! They never knew you were there. And they couldn't transform Show because he is just too damn big. And his appetite for catfish is too overwhelming.
Gail/TBS: Who? Who said that???

The amazing visage of The Original Wolfpac, Syxx-pac, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash step out of the shadows and present Gail and TBS with their undying assistance.

TBS/Gail:'s The WOLFPAC!!!
Nash: Don't worry, I'll be your huckleberry.

At that moment, Pickett and Bertrand-along with 500 foot soldiers-storm the complex housing Gail, TBS and The Wolfpac, and surround them.

Bertrand: You have divined our weakness, we are INDEED susceptible to the ill-effects of The McRib, but that knowledge comes too little, it comes to late to save you from the WRATH of the CATFISH UPRISING!!!
Gail: OH NO! NO!!! NOOOOOOO!!!

Boy, it sure looks like our heroes are cornered pretty good, huh? Trapped, and soon to be beaten and bludgeoned by a superior foe??? Well, never fear. Be back for the finale to this breathtaking tome as Gail unveils her secret talent-to deadly effect. As the Wolfpac increases their workrate and fight-to the death. As TBS RESISTS the pull of the Ultimate Cheeseburger from Carl's Jr....barely. As Vitamin C and Dave the Mark bring the fight to S The Underground. The Mollyholly fights to remember the good person that she truly is..! Will the Catfish succumb to the horror that is...The McRib???


