Fan Zone | Encounters | Scott Anderson | July 2, 2006
Cottage Grove Armory
Cottage Grove, MN

I didn't get a picture, but I did get a autographed DVD. It ia autographed on the front as " To Scott, Love, Nora". And on the DVD, it is signed "Molly". Several fans got to meet her. As Nora signed my DVD, she asked me if I was enjoying the show? And I answered Yes, and then Nora said that was great, and when she was done signing, we shook hands and she thanked me, then I sat back down. I have watched the DVD twice so far, and after I watched it for the first time, I cried! I guess that shows how much I care about her. It is a wonderful DVD. I will watch it again and again, and the extras are tremendous. I will always be a huge Nora fan. I enjoy Keep up the great work. Nora rocks!!!


