April 15, 2004

Okay, now you guys to get hear me bitch! (This is NEVER fun!)
I am so close to deleting the tag board right now, you wouldn't even believe it.
Someone comes and askes a question, we reply and they have a hissy fit cuz we didnt say what they wanted to hear. Don't ask someones opinion if you cant handle any possible response you might get!
Then, someone comes along and whines about how a visitor tags too much... its there to be tagged! Who cares if they like to talk! If you dont wanna read it, just ignore the tags, but you DONT have to go and tag the board and whine about it to draw attention to yourself cuz your being all 'tough' and standing up to them in front of all the other visitors!
Megan and I bust our ASS to make this site look good and so help me God, I'm not going to let it get ruined by some rude taggers!
Updates are post-poned til I'm in a better mood. Hopefully something good will happen tomorrow and I will forget about all this CRAP

